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11962 South Anthem Park Blvd Ste 300,Herriman, UT 84096

We're working diligently to ensure a smooth transition, and we can't wait to celebrate our grand opening in 2024 at our new Herriman location with you. Stay tuned for updates!


Cavities and dental trauma can jeopardize the pulp of your child’s teeth, resulting in the need for pulp therapy. Drs. Hardy and Bushell may recommend pulp therapy when other treatments are not enough to save the tooth.

Tooth pulp contains the blood vessels and nerves that keep the tooth healthy. Primary teeth, though temporary, are important because they allow your child to chew and speak properly, and serve as placeholders for the permanent teeth. Your child may need pulp therapy to treat one or more of the following conditions:

  • Tooth pain
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • A broken tooth

Pulp therapy is available in two forms: vital and non-vital. Our pediatric dentists may recommend vital pulp therapy if the tooth pulp can be saved. Vital pulp therapy preserves healthy pulp be removing diseased portions from within the crown of the tooth. Dr. Hardy or Dr. Bushell will then place an anti-bacterial agent within the tooth and provide a final restoration (often a dental crown).

When the entire pulp is diseased, Drs. Hardy and Bushell may perform non-vital pulp therapy, in which the tissue is completely removed and the tooth canals are cleaned out. The canals are then refilled with a special material and topped with a dental crown to protect the natural tooth. In the case of severe damage, the tooth may need to be removed entirely and replaced with a space maintainer until the permanent tooth erupts.

You can learn more about the process and benefits of pulp therapy in Herriman, Utah, by contacting Copper Cove Pediatric Dentistry today. Our pediatric dentists and team would be happy to address your questions.